Thursday, October 4, 2012

Civility, Down For The Count

What do they call these things, avatars?  Yeah, that's what they are.  Wonderful things aren't they, little pictures that represent who we are.  These things usually come with some sort of name attached to them that is supposed to identify us to others.

My avatar, the one that i use has just about always been a picture of myself.  I'm under the impression that by using my own face that i am able to keep bugs and viruses away from my computer.  of course, it could be that I'm using linux at the moment rather than windows.  The name i most often go by is beej or beej mcl.  The reason comes from my name Brian is represted by the b while my middle name is John, there's the j.  putting those two together gives us beej and that mcl, comes from having the Irish last name of McLaughlin.

So, where am i going with this.  The title ought to give a hint as to where and what this write is all about, but hang on for a second.

Back to the avatars and names.  How many of us on the internet (no need to raise our hands) actually represent who we are and what we are about with our avatars and screen names?  after all, the internet is a place where we can be whoever we want to be as long as we don't have to physically answer to anyone we come into contact with while we are here.  We can meek and mild if we want, (how often do you see that) or the meanest SOB in the valley.(I don't need to repeat that question, do I)  The point is that here on the internet a person can enjoy a certain amount of anonymity.  That's a good thing, right?  Or maybe not.

Here's a little three liner for you.

Where ever has gone our civility
Often ready to fight and seldom polite
We have only to blame anonymity

Well, there we have it, that's where this was going.  That problem that we have here on the internet known to and experienced by many called a lack of civility toward one another.  And there is the
cause of it right before our faces, anonymity.  Anonymity has given us a license to be rude, crude and down right mean to each other if we please.  As long as no-one knows who I am, I can say anything I want to them without worrying about any repercussions.  Using the words of SNL's Church Lady, "Isn't that special".

What can be done about this is very little when we see others abusing their anonymity, but if we want to make a change, we have to start with ourselves.  None of us are perfect and there are buttons that get pushed that often set us off, but if we can act in a civil manner during these times, a little bit of that civility might just rub off on another.  This world and it's problem with intolerance and it's lack of civility toward one another can be healed, one person at a time.

Please help eliminate this problem, let it be your turn for the healing today.

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