Friday, December 18, 2015

The Guardians

Gibran wrote of the two guardian angels. You can find the actual writing here . What a fight they had. They fought tooth and nail over whose posting was more difficult. The one was guardian of a sinner while the other had the job of watching the saint. They got so far out of hand that their assignments became ignored and the archangel had to come and break up the fight. He asked what had caused this rift between the two and found that the only solution to the problem was to have them swap assignments seeing that they had both believed the other had it so easy. It seems as though the whole thing went to show us that there are times that the guardians need to receive a little waking up to the reality of the situation.

Why even mention this writing? Why look at two stubborn individuals who for the life of them cannot get along enough to really even consider each others position in their need to be the one who is correct. I seems to me that we have that same situation right here in the good ole US of A in or political system. Two parties that no matter what the other side has to present, the other side tends to cover their ears and begin chanting la-la-la-la-la to drown out what they don't wish to listen to. Our representatives and senators, what a sad lot. These elected men are supposed to be the guardians of this country with the express purpose of taking care of the people. Their priorities have strayed away from the people unto the corporations and rich benefactors that are bribing, legally bribing the officials who are sworn to represent the people.

Time for the people to find an arch-angel that can set these guardians straight.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Song No Longer Rings True

The sky still blue and spacious
our fields grow golden grains
snow capped mountains
are still viewed in placid reflecting pools
fruits and nuts are upon our trees
but as for brotherhood between the seas
the good has become harder to find
our light has dimmed

They came seeking relief from religious oppression
only to convert and pervert what they found
their freedom meant
the abolishment of the ways of
the new world they had come to
with violence and death
taking more land
there was no self control
no liberty
no real law other than
might made right
for the new people did not honor their god
and were deserving of death

These were not heroes
they did not liberate the peoples of this new land
they showed no mercy
there was nothing noble or divine in their treatment
not of the peoples
nor of the lands that they found

They had a dream
of great alabaster cities
built them
but today
these are filled with empty dilapidated buildings
the homeless
and the violence that built them
tears run down the cheeks
of mothers and fathers losing their sons and daughters
tears are shed by the victims
of the religious extremism that was seeded in those early times

How can we continue to sing America The Beautiful?

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Second Amendment

The second amendment

“A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.”

The champions of the second amendment, as they see themselves demand their rights. Nothing wrong with that. They tell us concealed carry should be their choice and not the governments. They claim the second amendment gives them that right. They go on to claim that any interference by the government
violates that right and the constitution. What they seem to forget though is the purpose of the amendment which is stated in the text. The amendment was put into the constitution in order to insure that a “well regulated Militia” could be called upon when the security of the State is being threatened.

So, what is a militia? Basically and for common understanding, it is a group of people who are not part of the armed forces of a country but are trained like soldiers. From Merriam-Webster it is officially defined as;

1 a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency
b : a body o citizens organized for military service
:the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service

Now, for regulated
1 a : to govern or direct according to rule
b : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
So, what the amendment covers is a trained group, a regulated group, an organized militia and not a bunch of individuals who want to play army at Walmart with weapons designed for the express purpose of fighting a war with the capability of killing other humans in mass quantities.
There is nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership but when we, as we have, come to the point where these deadly weapons are as easily obtainable as they are and they fall into the hands of mad men, extremists and terrorists, we have gone to a place far beyond the purpose of the second amendment to our constitution. We now have a congress bought by the weapons industry who are insuring that suspected terrorists whose aim is to maim and kill easy access to these weapons.

But yet according to them it is still not time to talk about this problem.