I am going to pick on one statement
that just about every politician makes.
They tell the public what they are
'going to do' in hopes of garnering their vote. The statement has
absolutely nothing to do with reality as without the help of the
other members and branches of our government, they can do nothing by
themselves. Campaign promises need to be looked at, not as something
that is going to take place but as something that is going to be
attempted and worked toward. I really do wish that those seeking for
the offices of the presidency and congress would turn their
statements to the I will work towards rather than promising something
that they all by themselves cannot deliver.
Like I said, they just about all make
these statements but the larger problem is that the public seems to
not understand that these promises are more pandering for votes than
even the politician him or her self realizes. What's dangerous is
that some of them actually believe their own rhetorical promises and
thoroughly mislead the public at large.