Tuesday, June 23, 2015

They Bathe Themselves In Drama

How I love people who live to hate and bathe themselves in the drama of constant confrontation. Their greatest enjoyment is generally making others to feel miserable. The truth is that they are miserable and can't stand to see others enjoying any portion of life. They then take it upon themselves as their life's mission to deliver equality to the human race by bringing others down to their level low self esteem. Seems to me to be the wrong direction but at the same time, it also seems as the natural progression of things. We've all heard the saying that one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. It's true, you put a rotting apple into a bag with an apple that is at the perfect ripeness and watch them. The good apple just has no effect on the rotting one and the rotting apple quickens the aging of the ripe one.

Here's the thing, negative people have a stronger effect on positive people than the positive person can have on the negative person. I used the words before, it's true! Watch their attitudes when they get together, their conversation will bend to the negative side in no time. Complaints will eventually flow from both people. It's the nature of things! It may seem to be the wrong direction for enjoying ones life but is what it is. Surround yourself with negative and that is exactly what you become.

Last week I was on the golf course after we had had four and a half inches of rain. So many seemed to look at the course as far too wet (what were they doing there then) to play. Me, I found a better way to look at it. I love the game, it is an out of doors sport, you gotta accept the weather and if I am going to go out and play, dammit, I am going to find a way to enjoy myself. The course they found to be wet, I found to be receptive. It was the same course with the same moisture content, yeah my feet got wet but my positive viewpoint made my round enjoyable while they, with their negative viewpoints were disappointed in their day on the course.

Back to the people who love to hate. These folks show up all the time in the comment sections of articles across the internet. Most of them using some fictitious made up name (sometimes of famous people they picture themselves as) thanking the internet gods for the anonymity it offers them. (Allowed consent to bully and bash others.) You would swear that if you turned your opinion to match theirs, they would change their stance immediately on whatever subject is being discussed. They are there to argue and the more people continue to respond to them, the better they like it. Confrontation is their main meal, they eat it up like popcorn in a crowded theater.

Facts, they are definitely not keen on these as they ruin more arguments for them than they can stand. Once presented these people will quite often resort to calling names, a most adult direction in dealing with others during a disagreement. The attitude of today's society has moved so far away from common decency that being polite is almost frowned upon. (Fight or die Bruh, fight or die.)

It's long past time and maybe it has become a little too late to return peace to the valley, but I for one am going to keep on trying.

Go forth and be a positive example to others. Try building up rather than tearing down. You'll be amazed at what good it will do others and your own level of self esteem. I'm tellin' ya, you'll feel great about yourself.

Peace Bruh! 


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